Wastewater Disposal
Instructor: Bekri Elena
Course code: 5933
Semester: 9ο
Course content:

  • Introduction: Concepts and definitions, Wastewater disposal and ecological processes, Impacts, Wastewater disposal philosophy, Receiving water quality, Pollution loads, Legislation
  • Pollutants, Effects, Characteristics: Pollutants and effects on the environment, Surface waters, Soil, Groundwater, Atmosphere, Pollution characteristics, Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of aquatic organisms
  • Wastewater Disposal Study: Methodology, Basics and regulations, Quality criteria for minimum dilution, Legislation, Design of wastewater disposal system, Assessment of self-cleaning of receiving water bodies.
  • Diffusion of Liquid and Gas Waste: Introduction, Buoyant jets, Multiple diffusers, Calculation of concentrations and dilutions in the near and far field of the surroundings.
  • Design of Wastewater Disposal System in Water Bodies: Main parts, Charge tank, Wastewater inlet conduit, Diffuser, Hydraulic Calculation, Example.

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